Booking Engine

Unmatched power and reliability

Why our Booking Engine?


Our Booking Engine allows customers to book directly from the hotel website.


Zero commissions, less work and higher profit margins.


Your customers will be able to book a room or apartment in less than two minutes, saving you many steps, such as emails or phone calls.


The Scidoo booking engine is entirely customizable by the structure, via the management system: fonts, colors, descriptions, photographic/video material and much more.

Find out where to act

The Booking Engine will track the origin of the guests who go to the site to search for availability: in this way the structure will be able to see if the customer arrives because he became aware of the structure through a Facebook, Instagram or Google Ads sponsorship campaign. You will also be able to make statistical evaluations via Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics

Scidoo will take care of it

The Scidoo Booking Engine offers a function called "TAPPABUCHI", which allows you to reopen rooms when there are gaps in the calendar due to minimum stays not being respected. Furthermore, it will inform guests of any room changes to avoid unpleasant surprises.


The guest will be able to book services "without a stay": book only a spa service, a massage, a dinner at a restaurant, the beach, an excursion without the obligation to book an overnight stay in the facility.

Safe and Effective

Guests can see prices compared between OTA channels and evaluate the convenience of booking directly via the site. They can also make secure online payments for their stay or deposit upon confirmation, using platforms such as PayPal, Stripe, Nexi, Bansarella, and other similar ones.


The guest will be able to view the comparison between the prices published in the OTA channels from the Booking Engine and evaluate the convenience of booking directly via the site.

For everyone

The guest will be able to book on the site in their own language thanks to the automatic translation of the Booking Engine at all points.