Emotional Preventive

Impress your guests


Offer an ad hoc landing page profiled for each of your customers.

Monitor every quote

Check the opening of the quote.

Know where it comes from right away.

Recall after a few days.


Monitor and find out where to invest your money thanks to the estimator's statistics


Respond to every quote request in 15 seconds.

Always in touch

Rimani in contatto con i tuoi clienti prima, durante, e dopo il soggiorno, con qualsiasi mezzo tu voglia: Email, Chat interna, Whatsapp etc.


All emails received from the various portals are interpreted so as to take a few seconds to respond to the request.

Emotional Preventive.

Amaze your customers.

With the Estimator you can quickly create emotional estimates to send by email or telephone and increase the ability to convert requests into bookings.

Emotional Preventive.

Create a small site.

With the Estimator you will have the opportunity to create a personalized "mini site", which will make your customers dream, giving them the opportunity to discover the vast range of proposals and packages designed precisely for each of them, based on their individual characteristics.

Emotional Preventive.

Dynamic booking.

Through the Estimator, in addition to discovering all the proposals created specifically for him, he will also have the possibility to choose and book directly from the estimate.